Marie-Alix Grenier is a French violinist. She is recording and playing for many artists like Étienne Daho, Stromae or Arcadian. She contacted us on Instagram to be part of our Ambassadors.
For any endorsement, we make a personalized electric violin for each artist. The violinist can imagine his own violin. The Spanish violinist Judith Mateo plays only pink violins, that’s why she chose a pink Equinox.
Marie-Alix wanted an Equinox and she asked us if her favorite artist Emilie Grison can paint it. We accepted immediately!
She contacted the French artist and painter Émilie Grison, knew also under the name Dans les Pinceaux d’Émilie. Émilie imagined with Marie-Alix a very colorful personalization.
The project is entirely explained in the video below. Watch it because you will love the result! Please activate English subtitles if you do not understand French!
To know more about Marie-Alix Grenier and Émilie Grison – Dans les Pinceaux d’Émilie, please visit their respective Instagram account.
Sources and Images: Marie-Alix Grenier, Émilie Grison and 3Dvarius